Tuesday, March 07, 2006

kids got cought

When to Call Your Child's Doctor if your child got caught

Most childhood coughs are nothing to be concerned about. However, consult a doctor if your child:
+ has trouble breathing or is working hard to breathe
+ is breathing more quickly than usual
+ has a blue or dusky color to the lips, face, or tongue
+ has a high fever (particularly in a young infant or in the absence of congestion or a runny nose; contact your child's doctor for any fever in an infant younger than 3 months)
is an infant (3 months old or younger) who has been coughing for more than a few hours
+ makes a "whooping" sound when she breathes after coughing
+ is coughing up blood
+ has stridor when inhaling
+ has wheezing when exhaling (unless you already have home asthma management instructions from your child's doctor)
+ is listless or cranky

Home Treatment

Home treatments should never take the place of consulting your child's doctor for any of the conditions listed above, but there are several things you can do at home to make your child more comfortable.
+ If your child has asthma, make sure you have received asthma-management instructions from your child's doctor. Monitor your child's progress carefully during a flare-up and give asthma medicines according to the doctor's instructions.
+ If your child wakes up with a "barky" or "croupy" cough in the middle of the night, take him or her into the bathroom, close the door, and let the shower run on hot for several minutes. After the room steams up, sit in the bathroom with your child for about 20 minutes. The steam should help your child breathe more easily. Try reading a book together to keep your child occupied.
+ A cool-mist humidifier in your child's room might help him or her sleep through the night.
Cool beverages like juice can be soothing; avoid carbonated or citrus drinks, however, because carbonation and citric acid can be painful on raw areas.
+ You should not give your child (especially a baby or toddler) OTC cough medicine without specific instructions to do so from your child's doctor.
+ Cough drops, which are fine for older children, are a choking hazard for young children. It's best to avoid them unless your child's doctor says that they are safe to provide to your child.


Blogger musicplayer said...

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11:10 AM  

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